Sunday, July 26, 2015

Silhouette in Photography

As per the definition from Wikipedia, silhouette is the image of a person, animal, object or scene represented as a solid shape of a single color, usually black.The interior of a silhouette is featureless, and the whole is typically presented on a light background, usually white. 

 Please take at a look at the picture below

Students are carrying the science project at the end of Science Expo that was conducted in a school. By shooting in Silhouette, we can show the team work of the students rather than showing each sutdent individually (Team represents the group rather than individual identity). 

To recap on the last week "Form that gives substance", the below photo was taken at Dakshinachitra, Chennai, Tamil Nadu

The natural light on the carvings of the cot gives the sense of depth and gives the illusion of the third dimension where it stands out from the window in the background

Sunday, July 19, 2015

Form That Gives Substance

Another picture below for you to conclude on the "Selective focus" topic. This photo was taken at Kapaleeshwarar temple, Mylapore, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India. 

In this picture I did a selective focus on the Worshipper, the pillar in the front and the inscriptions in the back are out of focus. 

This week we I am going to touch-up on the topic "Form That Gives Substance". Take a look at the photo below.


View the light on the subject which lends a sense of depth and substance to this photograph. The variation in the light over the subject gives the form and the depth giving the illusion of the third dimension. The photo gives the illusion where the subject stands out from the background

Sunday, July 12, 2015

Selective Focus in Photography

To recap on the topic "Street photography", have a look at the below picture.

This picture was taken at Mahabalipuram, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India  where foreign tourists are viewing ancient sculpture. This picture  depicts behavior pattern of the local people and the tourist, the tourist appreciating sculptor's talent

On this week topic, we are going to see how we can selectively focus object while taking the picture

Please take a look at the above picture taken in front of Kapaleeshwarar temple, Mylapore, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India. I did a selective focus on the flower (in pink and white clour) which the photographer is trying to shoot. 

I made the other objects in the picture out of focus to highlight the significance of what Photographer is trying to click. Selective focus is achieved through "single point of focus" setting available in DSLR.

If you have a DSLR, please try this and you will be amazed with the results.

Saturday, July 4, 2015

Street Photopgraphy

Here is another example for last week topic "Candid photography". This photo was clicked in Marina beach, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India  early morning at 7 AM where health lovers are doing exercise over stone ball

For this week, I am going to cover on "Street Photography". In Street Photography, we need to give more importance to the behavior of the people, the live environment that we shoot and the impact they create when others view it

The above photo was clicked in the shop near Kapaleeswarar Temple, Mylapore, Chennai, Tamil nadu, India. The posture of the lady shows that she is confident, her belief in god (we can know this from the marks that she has applied on her face), her love to ornaments and dedication to her work